Thursday, December 1, 2011

Outstanding Immigrants Collection

"Immigration is the story of American history. From the earliest days of our nation, generation upon generation of immigrants has come to be part of a land that offers freedom and opportunity to those willing to do their part. Immigrants built our great cities. They cultivated our rich farm lands. They built the railroads and highways that bind America from sea to shining sea. They erected houses of worship to practice their faiths. They fought under America’s colors in our wars... over the centuries, immigrants came to America from every part of the globe and made the American dream. They created a nation that is the envy of the world."
- Ted Kennedy, US senator

Our country has been founded on the hard work, resilience and perseverence of millions of immigrants. The following stories and profiles show the contributions that immigrants make in different fields. From medicine to the arts to sports to politics, these outstanding immigrants are only a few examples of the positive effects of immigration on our nation... a nation of immigrants!

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