Sunday, December 4, 2011

Newt's right about immigration

A lot of conversation has been initiated since Newt Gingrich made a comment during a presidential debate about allowing illegal immigrants a path toward American citizenship.

I happen to agree with most of his points.

The American society will never deport 11 million illegal aliens outright. It is not in our conscience to do something like that, especially when a family has to be separated, because family members born here do not have to go back.

We know it is illegal for non-documented immigrants to come here and stay, but individuals doing such a thing mostly are not criminals. They are only looking for a better way to support their families here and in their country of origin.

A case in point are my parents who left Cuba in 1959, came here with visitors’ visas and stayed here illegally until three years later. They applied via Canada for a permanent visa, went there and got their visa, and five years later became American citizens. They never collected unemployment or welfare and worked steadily for many years.

Today, that is the case with most “illegals.” Some have volunteered to serve in the armed forces, and they are accepted in spite of being illegal. This has led them to seek permanent status and eventual citizenship. They contribute more than we imagine by paying Social Security, federal and state taxes.

What would deporting millions of Social Security contributors do to our retirement funds?

There is no question that a path toward legalization has to be made. We depend on their labor to do many jobs which American citizens no longer want to do, especially farm work.

A different arrangement must be made with Mexico and Latin American countries to put in place a farm workers’ seasonal agreement for travel between the United States and their countries. Those with felonies on their records must go back immediately.

Where I disagree with Gingrich is his suggestion that you must be here for 25 years for what would be an automatic, permanent visa. In my opinion, if you have been here for five years, have no police record, have worked and sustained a family, and have not collected welfare for more than six months, then you ought to have a chance to apply for amnesty.

I agree that the border fence must be completed, and that aliens coming in illegally has to stop. All visitors must be recorded by photo and DNA, so they can be traced if they violate their visas.

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