Friday, December 2, 2011

JOEY KENNEDY: Alabama's harmful immigration law creating labor shortages

Alabama's overreaching immigration law has done a great job of chasing people out of the state and opening up jobs. Problem is, Alabama people aren't filling those jobs.

Analysis has already shown that the drop in Alabama's unemployment rate is not because of the harsh immigration law but, instead, due mostly to seasonal hiring, government hiring and thousands of unemployed jobseekers giving up.

There are jobs out there, but not the kind many Alabamians apparently want to do or are trained to do. I know, I know. What's the evidence?

John McMillan, Alabama's commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, is holding a meeting in Mobile on Tuesday to address the chronic labor shortages created by the immigraton law in south Alabama.

McMillan is a conservative Republican, but he knows the immigration law is hurting the state's construction industry and farmers. And before somebody starts hollering that illegals shouldn't be holding those jobs, understand that many of the people who have left the state are documented workers but fled because they didn't want be harassed under the law. Why work in a state where you are looked upon with suspicion when you can drive 50 or 100 miles and work in a state that accepts you for your skills and work ethic?

The press release from the agriculture department says the "purpose of the meeting is to bring agribusiness owners and farmers together with federal and state officials to help solve the chronic labor shortages created by Alabama's new immigration law."

This supposed job-creation law turns out to be more of a labor shortage creation law. That's what happens when lawmakers really have no clue what they're doing, but do it anyway to get a thrill out of being able to brag how tough they are. Macho-men!

That's not new, though. There's never been a shortage of bullies in Alabama who like pushing around others, especially those who are less fortunate. Sadly, it's part of our state's personality, and we fail to learn from our mistakes.

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