Saturday, December 3, 2011

Immigration forum held at local library

BLOOMINGTON — Concerns over federal immigration detainers issued for inmates of the McLean County jail were discussed at a public forum Saturday sponsored by leaders of the local Hispanic community.

Specifically, leaders called on Sheriff Mike Emery to stop honoring requests from the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement to hold suspects brought into the jail. The jail notifies ICE to check on the immigration status of all people born outside the U.S., a policy Hispanic leaders have criticized because some of those held by immigration are charged with misdemeanor or traffic offenses.

Emery said he does not intend to change jail policy.

“We will continue our cooperation with the federal government,” Emery said when contacted by The Pantagraph after the forum.

About 90 people attended the event, organized by Illinois People’s Action and Latinos United for Change. The forum was at the Bloomington Public Library.

Dr. Laurie Bergner with the McLean County League of Women Voters and Illinois People’s Action shared information she received in meetings with the sheriff on local immigration issues.

“The sheriff considers cooperating with ICE to be part of his job in keeping our community safe,” said Bergner.

Many of those coming through the jail doors have been arrested by Bloomington and Normal officers, said Bergner.

Statistics for traffic stops by Bloomington, Normal and sheriff’s police do not reflect an effort to target minority drivers, including the 4.4 percent of the McLean County population that is Hispanic, said Bergner.

Between July and October, detainers were issued for 63 inmates, according to sheriff’s data. ICE does not disclose to police its reasons for holding suspects.

The stories of several Hispanic residents who have been detained were shared personally or though others who told the accounts because the individuals were fearful of being identified publicly because of their immigration status.

One story involved a student who worked as a painter who was deported after he was arrested for drunk driving and an ICE check disclosed an expired visa. “The local community may be safer without him but it’s less interesting,” said the person who read the story on the man’s behalf.

A Latinos United staff member, Sonny Garcia, said personal stories are being collected on an Internet blog by Mary Cunningham, a supporter of the Hispanic community.

“One of the tactics we’re trying to use is to get more stories, make it hit home more for the community,” said Garcia.

In addition to asking people to sign a petition asking Emery to end his cooperation with ICE, Garcia also recommended support for a state driving certificate that could allow immigrants to drive legally and obtain insurance. At the federal level, comprehensive immigration reform is needed to address the issues facing an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, said Garcia.

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