Friday, December 2, 2011

Malaysia swap deal remains ALP policy

The ALP has backed a huge boost to the nation's refugee intake while maintaining a controversial plan to process asylum seekers offshore under a deal with Malaysia.

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen's proposal to keep the people-swap deal as party policy and increase the refugee intake to 20,000 a year, from 13,750, was accepted at the ALP national conference in Sydney on Saturday.

"We have to tackle this with a soft heart and a hard head," Mr Bowen said.

Home Affairs Minister Brendan O'Connor told delegates that boat people smugglers were "not modern-day Oskar Schindlers" - a reference to the German industrialist credited with saving more than 1100 Jews during World War II.

"Nothing could be further from the truth," he said.

"This is profiting from desperate people. This is exploitation whatever way you cut it."

Under the deal announced in May, Australia would send 800 asylum seekers to Malaysia for processing and receive 4000 people already judged to be genuine refugees.

But the High Court has ruled offshore processing is illegal and the government has not had the numbers to change the law.

The Gillard government has now adopted onshore processing and community detention as a default position.

After the conference vote, Mr Bowen admitted the result did not mean Opposition Leader Tony Abbott would support the government's policy.

"Any complaints about boat arrivals are particularly hollow when the (opposition) have a solution before them," he told reporters.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said the government's asylum seeker policy had failed and any policy decisions taken by the ALP national conference would not change that.

He dismissed Mr Bowen's proposal as "a desperate plan to a divided party for a failed Malaysia people-swap".

Meanwhile, an alternative proposal from the Labor Left to scrap offshore processing of asylum seekers was beaten.

Backbencher Melissa Parke told the conference the Malaysia deal fundamentally discriminated against the human rights of asylum seekers.

"Australia cannot contract out its international legal obligations," she said.

Ms Parke said it was irresponsible to send asylum seekers to a country that did not recognise refugees.

Australian Manufacturing Workers Union organiser Darren Dwyer said the debate was about human rights, not "some pinko ideology".

He said he felt ashamed to be a Labor member.

The Bowen proposal was supported 206-179.

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