Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Packing Your Roll Aboard Suitcase for a Plane Trip and Week-Long Stay

By Harriet Hodgson

I've traveled a lot and, during my travels, learned how to pack for plane trips. When I pack, I keep emergencies in mind. Before I start to put things in my suitcase, I make sure the dimensions meet airline specifications. I also make detailed packing list. It is divided into three groups, essentials, clothing and wear (the clothes I will wear on the plane).

To keep my clothes from wrinkling, I roll my underwear and t-shirts. Pantyhose is stuffed into my shoes to keep the topes from getting crushed.

Planes can be chilly so I wear a lightweight sweater en route. Though the fabric is thin, it provides a layer of protection when I need it. I also have an empty water bottle in my purse and fill it just before I board the aircraft. All of my clothes are washable and my travel kit contains safety pins, a tiny mending kit, a stretchy clothesline, a few clothespins, and some plastic zipper-type bags.

Years of travel have taught me three important lessons. One, never bring new shoes. Instead, bring shoes that are broken in and comfortable. Two, don't pack your medications (if you take any) in your suitcase. Instead, bring your medications with you. Three, wear support hose on the plane. Right now I'm planning for two trips, one to Atlanta and one to Boston. To make things easier, I will pack the same clothes for both.

I have purchased a black oversized purse for the trip, one that will hold my Kindle, travel documents, and cell phone. Though I occasionally bring short-sleeved t-shirts, I usually bring long-sleeved ones. Long-sleeves keep me warm when the weather changes and also protect me from the sun. This packing list may help you get organized for a short trip. If you bring detergent with you, or buy it after you have arrived, this list will sustain you for weeks.


Travel-size toiletries in hang-up bag
Small hair dryer (Many hotels provide hair dryers, but I'm playing it safe.)
Hat and sunscreen
2 plastic hangers (or 2 wire ones)
Hearing aid batteries (if you use a hearing aid)
Band-aids or moleskin for sore feet
Cloth shopping bag (Mine is foldable.)
Copy of my eyeglasses prescription
Rubber gloves to keep support hose from tearing


2 pairs of pantyhose
2 pairs of socks
1 pair of black slacks
1 pair of brown slacks
Lightweight jacket or blazer that goes with everything
Black skirt
3 long-sleeved t-shirts (1 white, 1 black, 1 patterned)
1 multicolored blouse
1 multi-colored scarf
1 inexpensive necklace
1 pair of waking shoes
1 pair of black flats


Dark jeans
Support hose
Lightweight sweater

This checklist has worked for me and I think it will work for you. I toured Europe for three weeks with nothing more than the items on this list packed in a roll aboard suitcase. My suitcase has a side pocket and I used it to store travel books and pamphlets. Packing light will make your trip easier and more enjoyable.

Copyright 2012 by Harriet Hodgson

Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 35+ years and is the author of 31 books. Six are grief resources, including "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," Lois Krahn, MD, co-author, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life," "Writing to Recover Journal," "101 Affirmations to Ease Your Grief Journey," "The Spiritual Woman: Quotes to Refresh and Sustain Your Soul," and "Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life After Loss." Please visit Hodgson's website and learn more about this busy author.

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