Friday, June 22, 2012

Ed Miliband immigration rethink: Labour leader vows to ban foreigners-only jobs

In a speech in London, he vowed to stop ruthless bosses from undercutting the minimum wage by taking on foreign staff

Ed Miliband today pledged to stop companies blacklisting British workers in favour of cheaper foreign staff.

The Labour leader said UK-born jobseekers were being “locked out” of work by recruitment agencies.

And he admitted Labour had got it wrong while in Government by ignoring people’s “legitimate concerns” about immigration.

In a speech in London, he vowed to stop ruthless bosses from undercutting the minimum wage by taking on foreign staff.

He also promised to tackle recruitment agencies that offer jobs only to overseas workers.

And Mr Miliband pledged the stricter enforcement of minimum-wage laws to tackle the “nasty, brutish and short-term” exploitation of cheap labour.

He said the last Labour Government had became “too disconnected from the concerns of working people”.

He added: “It was a mistake not to impose transitional controls on accession from Eastern European countries.

"We severely underestimated the number of people who would come here.

“We too easily assumed those who worried about immigration were stuck in the past, unrealistic about how things could be different, even prejudiced.”

Mr Miliband went on: “By focusing exclusively on immigration’s impact on growth, we lost sight of who was benefiting from that growth – and the people being squeezed in the middle who were losing out.”

He said people who expressed legitimate concerns about immigration should not be dismissed as “bigoted” – a reference to Mr Brown’s encounter with Gillian Duffy during a visit to Rochdale in the 2010 election.

“Worrying about immigration, talking about immigration, thinking about immigration, does not make them bigots.

And since this conversation is going on in the houses, streets and neighbourhoods of Britain, it must be one the Labour Party joins too.”

But Immigration Minister Damian Green said: “Until Ed Miliband supports the Government’s measures to cut and control immigration, Labour will have no credibility.

“Under his leadership, Labour have opposed our aim to get annual net migration down to the tens of thousands and they have opposed the cap on economic migration.”

Institute of Directors director general Simon Walker said its members thought work-ethic and skills were twice as important as cost in choosing recruits.

And a recent study found immigrants were 60% less likely than Brit citizens to claim benefits.
My fears over immigration, by Ed Miliband

I know Mirror readers worry about immigration.

This is not because they are bigoted or prejudiced but because they are worried about the pressure­­­­ ­immigration has put on their wages, their public services and their communities.

And this is why we must talk about the issue and not sweep it under the carpet.

At the same time, I believe the public is fed up with politicians making promises on immigration they cannot deliver.

Immigration has had benefits for Britain, bringing people with energy, skills and ideas that have helped our economy.

But it also has costs and they have too often fallen on those who can least afford it.

Governments of both parties haven’t done enough to listen.

We didn’t get it right in government. We should have placed more restrictions on people coming from Poland and ­elsewhere in Eastern Europe.

And we were too slow to hear people’s concerns. Now we need a new approach.

A government I lead will be tougher on borders when new countries join the EU so large numbers of low-skilled people do not suddenly come to Britain.

We will also do something the Tories would never do – stop abuses of the minimum wage and ensure laws are properly enforced.

We won’t allow recruitment agencies to boast they only offer foreign workers, effectively locking out local people.

And we’ll work to improve training and skills in those businesses where working people can’t seem to get a look in because employers are relying on low-cost, ­temporary workers from abroad.

Above all, we will change our economy so that it works for you. Alongside tough controls, that’s the right way to tackle concerns about immigration.

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