Monday, February 27, 2012

Net migration to the UK stuck at 250,000 despite Cameron's tough talk on slashing numbers

Net migration swells population by a quarter of a million in 12 monTotal number of migrants coming into the country now stands at 593,000 - one of the highest figures recorded

Immigration has swelled the population by a quarter of a million people in just 12 months despite the government’s pledge to cut net migration, official figures showed today.

The figure – the number of people added to the total population after immigration and emigration are both taken into account – has remained steady since it peaked at 255,000 in the year to September 2010.

Net migration for the year to June 2011 was 250,000.

The Government has pledged to cut net migration to 1990s levels of the tens of thousands by 2015.

The latest figures mean that ministers are likely to have to deal with increasing criticism from Tory backbenchers and migration pressure groups about their failure to get to grips with immigration.

The number of people leaving the UK has fallen considerably from a peak of 427,000 in 2008, the ONS said.
But net migration has been going up rather than down and is currently running around 15,000 higher than when David Cameron entered Downing Street

The latest figure is up from the figure of 235,000 for the year to June 2010, according to the ONS.

The impact of immigration was boosted by record numbers of people coming to live in Britain from countries classed as part of the New Commonwealth.

UK Migration 2001-2011
While emigration has dipped since 2008, immigration has remained steady, meaning an increase in net migration since the Coalition came to power

An unprecedented 170,000 people in a year came from countries in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, two out of three of them to study at British universities and colleges.

The full number of migrants coming into the country in the 12 months to June 2011 was 593,000, itself one of the highest totals ever recorded, and a level which shows that immigration into Britain has not fallen since Labour opened the borders to Poles and other Eastern European citizens in 2004.

That figure is up from 582,000 in the year to June 2010, estimated figures published by the ONS showed.

This means that Britain’s population will grow by 2.5million people because of immigration alone in 10 years, and it suggests that the landmark 70 million population total will be reached 15 years from now.

Net migration was high because many fewer Britons have been emigrating to live abroad since the recession began.
Net migration has actually worsened int he past two years, today's figures show

Some 343,000 British people left the country in the year to June 2011, nearly 10 per cent down on the numbers in 2008.

Study remains the most common reason for migrating to the UK, with 242,000 students coming in the year to June 2011.

Immigration Minister Damian Green said: 'Our reforms are starting to take effect.

'Home Office figures from the second half of last year show a significant decrease in the number of student and work visas issued, an early indicator for the long-term direction of net migration.

'Net migration remains too high but, as the ONS states, it is now steady, having fallen from a recent peak in the year to September 2010.

Reasons for immigration to UK
The number giving no stated reason for coming to the UK has remained steady in the past decade
Growing numbers of foreign students
Overseas students coming to study in the UK has been one of the biggest drivers of immigration
'This Government remains committed to bringing net migration down from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands over the course of this Parliament.'

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of campaign group Migration Watch UK, said: 'These figures are disappointing.

'They show that the immigration supertanker has been brought to a halt but massive efforts by the Government will be essential if their manifesto promise is to be kept.

'For example, the student visa system, which admits half a million non-EU students a year, needs a much more effective means of testing whether the applicants are genuine and intend to return home.'
Net migration has remained steady despite a pledge by David Cameron to tighten borders

Shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant said: 'On net migration, rather than the Prime Minister's 'no ifs, no buts' pledge to cut net migration to the tens of thousands, this data shows it's still going in the wrong direction.

'We need honesty and competence from this Government on immigration. Instead we get tough rhetoric not matched by the reality on the ground. The country deserves better than that.'

He added: 'These figures show the Government's complete failure to combat illegal immigration.

'This Government is deporting fewer foreign criminals, stopping fewer people who shouldn't be in the UK from coming in, and removing fewer people who should not be here. That is a serious failure of this Tory-led Government.'
Migration from New Commonwealth countries has been one of the key drivers of immigration
Meanwhile, asylum applications rose 11 per cent last year to 19,804, compared with 17,916 in 2010, separate figures published today by the Home Office showed.

The figures for every quarter last year were higher than 12 months earlier, mainly due to an increase in applications from Pakistan, Libya and Iran, officials said.

And the number of people removed or departing voluntarily from the UK last year fell 13 per cent to 52,526 from 60,244 during 2010.

Matt Cavanagh, associate director of the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) think-tank, said: 'Reducing immigration is a legitimate goal, but politicians should be wary of promising what they can't deliver.

'There is also a risk that ministers will be tempted to take more extreme measures in pursuit of their elusive target, including on those areas of immigration which are most important to our economy, and which surveys show the public are less bothered about, including skilled workers and overseas students.'

The ONS figures published today also showed that 690,000 national insurance numbers were allocated to non-UK nationals in the 12 months to September last year, up 11 per cent from the 623,000 in the previous year.

Mr Cavanagh said these figures were 'one way of estimating the total number coming here to work' and were 'likely to reinforce widespread fears that immigration is exacerbating unemployment'

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